Germany, Berlin

Consultation with a gynecologist in Fertility Center Berlin


About the clinic

Year of foundation

Berlin Fertility Centre is a leading center for infertility treatment in Germany.

Language assistance

Treatments prices in the clinic

Last price update — 29.04.2024. Prices can be changed depending on the medical case and doctor's recommendations.
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Childbirth Price on request
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) $7576.09
Pharmacological stimulation for IVF $1082.3 - $1623.45

Fertility Center Berlin: more details about the clinic

Germany, Berlin

Bookimed helps  for its visitors in choosing and booking the best hospitals which are specializing in many different directions. On the portal hospitals which are aimed at meeting the needs of people who are planning to become parents are posted. Desperate to get pregnant, many of them see Germany as a country, proven in the medical sector.

Bookimed recommends the Berlin Fertility Center which is a unique hospital of reproductive medicine specializing in the treatment of all diagnostics and different types of infertility. The Center meets to the latest, scientifically proven therapeutic concepts, which leads to high results of treatment and its excellent quality. The main reason to book exactly Fertility Center is statistics which showing that the pregnancy rate in this facility is much higher than the national average.

 Berlin Fertility Center offers these types of treatments:

  • Hormonal treatment of both partners;
  • Artifical fertilization;
  • Intrauterine fertilization;
  • Extracorporal fertilization.

The most important priority of Berlin Fertility Center is responsible attitude to patients, including a high professionalism of staff and attention. The  staff of Center has extensive experience in diagnostics and treatment of infertility, which ensures the most accurate diagnosis and effective suitable course  of treatment that will lead to the goal.

Diagnostics in women and men is somewhat different, with hormonal analysis is required for both partners. If a man can only pass the semen analysis, the woman can have assignment by ultrasound and investigation on inflammation of the genitals, a special examination in the case of frequent abortions.

Additional methods of diagnostics for women:

  • Hysterosalpingography  (examination of the fallopian tubes);
  • Palpation ;
  • Hysteroscopy of Uterus;
  • Abdominal laparoscopy.

Also, both men and women can undergo genetic analysis to ascertain all the causes of infertility and find solutions.